Residential Flat Roofing Available in Baltimore, MD
Flat roofs are common for commercial properties, and you’ve likely seen them at work on schools, malls, and other non-residential properties throughout the Baltimore, Maryland, area. But, what about for residential properties? Though it is not the most popular option, flat roofing brings many advantages that make it a viable option for homeowners.

Why Aren’t Flat Roofs Often Used for Homes?
Flat roofing is commonly believed to not be a good fit for residential properties, leading homeowners to choose more common types of residential roofing such as asphalt or metal. Often, homeowners choose not to have a flat roof installed over concerns about draining. Unlike a sloped roof, a flat roof has a tendency to collect rainwater or snow. However, this does not mean they aren’t a good option for homes. When installed properly with a drain, flat roofs can be a great investment for any home.
Other Reasons to Choose a Flat Roof
Flat roofing is a great option for homeowners looking to give their homes a unique, modern look. Some homeowners choose to replace their roof with a flat roof because they have particularly gorgeous views around their home and do not want the landscaping obstructed by a traditional roof.
Others choose to have flat roofing installed thanks to the increased storage space. Unlike sloped roofs, a flat roof can be utilized in a number of ways, such as for a garden or rooftop patio.
Of course, when you want to have flat roofing installed, it is imperative you partner with a company that is highly experienced in working with this material. In Baltimore, MD, that company is Roland Slate Service Co., Inc. Contact us today for more information on having residential flat roofing installed at your home.